All students will study both Religious Education and Skills for Life from Year 7 to Year 11. These lessons are taught by a highly-skilled and specially trained team of teachers and together they contribute greatly to equipping the students at Mildenhall College Academy with the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary for life in secondary education and beyond as they enter their adult lives.
Course Content:
Religious Education
Key Stage Three
Students study ‘Religion in the 21st Century’ through a thematic approach covering six major religions. Topics include religious festivals, religion in the media, places of worship and wedding ceremonies. The aim is for students to develop their cultural awareness and to help prepare them for life in modern Britain and to be effective global citizens.
Key Stage Four
Students further develop their knowledge and understanding of religion and life issues through Skills for Life lessons. This will include more in-depth studies of religions including Christianity and Islam and their place in modern society.
Skills for Life
Subject Intent:
Students within the academy have a weekly one hour timetabled lesson where statutory aspects of the curriculum are delivered. This includes Sex and Relationships Education, PREVENT, Careers Education, Citizenship, IAG, Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs (SAD). All lessons are planned and delivered by SKL teachers. Full details of lesson content can be found in Schemes of Learning. In years 12 and 13 students have a dedicated mentor who covers PSHE topics once a week.
- Year 7 RE Overview
- Year 7 SKL Overview
- Year 8 RE Overview
- Year 8 SKL Overview
- Year 9 RE Overview
- Year 9 SKL Overview
- Year 10 RE / SKL Overview
- Year 11 RE / SKL Overview
- Year 12 SKL Overview
- Year 13 SKL Overview
GCSE Examination Board: Assessed Internally
GCSE Assessment Method: No formal GCSE Qualification obtained
Where SKL can take you: will teach you the skills that you require for becoming an adult. It will help you manage your finances, make sensible and informed decision about your future plans. It underpins everything that we offer at MCA.