It is a valuable part of a child’s education to learn to present him or herself publicly in a neat and appropriate manner. This is especially so in a formal environment such as the academy or place of work.
The high standards of appearance we expect at Mildenhall College Academy have a positive impact upon the standing of our academy within the wider community. Academy Uniform must be worn correctly at all times. All clothing should be clean, smart and marked with the student’s name.
- Black Trousers (tailored and full length – denim and skinny styles are not allowed)
- MCA Skirt (worn at least to the middle of the knee)
- White shirt
- MCA Blazer
- MCA Jumper/Cardigan (although optional only these jumpers/cardigans that are permitted)
- Black socks/tights
- A suitable outdoor coat (no jumpers including hoodies)
- Completely Black Footwear
PE Uniform
- MCA House T-shirt
- Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms
- MCA Fleece (no alternatives)*
- Plain black/navy base layer (optional to be worn underneath T-shirt)
- Socks
- Trainers
- Year 11 may wear a plain black jumper