Exam Results 2023

At Mildenhall College Academy we’re proud of the success of our students. We believe that we create a climate in which all students can achieve and we provide the motivation for continuing the drive for better and higher standards in order to prepare them well for the next stage in their lives. When our Sixth Form students leave us, we know they’ll be well equipped for achieving yet more success.

Key Stage 4 GCSE Results Summary2017-182018-192019-202020-21*2021-222022-232023-24
Basics 4+ English and Maths combined52%58%64%69%59%54%55%
Basics 5+ English and Maths combined33%30%37%37%33%34%28%
Attainment 8 average gradeC-C45.0646.4041.84.2039.8
Progress 8 score0.160.080.440.47-0.16-0.06-0.29
% achieving the EBacc (4+)15%29%37%46%24%24%18%
% entering the EBacc39%68%75%74%55%60%47%

Results awarded to students in 2020 & 2021 were from the Centre Assessed Grades submitted by teachers to the examination boards and were not based on the outcomes of examinations which did not take place due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The grades submitted were subject to a rigorous moderation process across our trust and reflect realistic levels of improvement expected in our academy.

Education, Employment and Training after Key Stage 42017 Leavers *2018 Leavers *2019 Leavers2020 Leavers2021 Leavers
Pupils staying in education, apprenticeships or employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 497%94%97%100% offers100% offers
Pupils staying in education for at least 2 terms after key stage 484%84%84%AVDAVD
Further education college or other education provider44%42%42%45%54%
School sixth form - state funded40%36%36%51%42%
Pupil in apprenticeships for at least 6 months after key stage 4 (or entered an apprenticeship)8%7%7%6%1%
Pupils staying in employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 45%3%7%AVDAVD
Pupils not staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 42%7%2%AVDAVD
Destination unknown1%1%1%AVDAVD

* Validated DFE data
AVD – Awaiting validated data

We are very proud that our students successfully secure places in education, employment or training when they leave us.

Key Stage 5 Post-16 results trend2017-18**2018-192019-20*2020-21*2021-222022-232023-24
Average A-level gradeC-CBBCC-C-
A level Progress Measure-0.06 (average)-0.03 (average)N/AN/AN/AN/A
A level % of students completing their main study programme96.2%100%N/AN/A%%%
Average Applied General gradeMerit+Merit+Distinction-Distinction-Merit+MeritMerit
Applied General pass rate95%100%100%100%100%94%
Applied General Progress Measure-0.04 (average)0.01 (average)N/AN/AN/AN/A
Applied General % of students completing their main study programme95.5%96.8%N/AN/A%%

* First year of the reformed, linear A levels.
** First year of reformed Applied General courses that include external assessment.

Education, Employment and Training after Key Stage 52016/172017/182019/202020/21
Higher education institution61% (42% remained in HE for at least 2 terms)64%56%58%
FE college2%0%4%1.60%
Apprenticeships6% (6% remained in their apprenticeships for at least 2 terms)7%11%4.80%
Employment/training13% (39% entered employment between the October and March after completing level 3 study)27%15%12.90%
Unknown18% (the destination of 2% remained unknown)2%13%22.50%
Students not in education or employment for at least 2 terms after study(10% became NEET during the 2 terms following completion of level 3 study)N/AN/AN/A
Level2 / GCSE English Progress ScoreSuppressedSuppressedSuppressed
Level2 / GCSE Maths Progress Score0.210.110.38

Results awarded to students in 2020 & 2021 were from the Centre Assessed Grades submitted by teachers to the examination boards and were not based on the outcomes of examinations which did not take place due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The grades submitted were subject to a rigorous moderation process across our trust and reflect realistic levels of improvement expected in our academy.

If you would like to see the DfE performance tables page for Mildenhall College Academy please click here