Every child deserves an excellent education and to go to a school that understands them, allows them to thrive and be happy, and helps them to achieve academic success whatever their ability or circumstances. I firmly believe that this is achieved through inspiring teaching, a safe and caring environment, expert advice and guidance, and a wide range of high quality enrichment opportunities. My aim is for all students to develop their knowledge, talents and values so that they can be successful and make a positive contribution to their community.
The academy vision is ‘working together, supporting individuals’. Fundamental to the success of all students is a strong, supportive partnership between the home and the academy. It is vital that communication is clear and regular, that parents/carers remain closely involved in their child’s education and that the academy shares information about their progress in a timely manner.
If you would like to find out more about the academy then I strongly encourage you to contact us to arrange a visit. I look forward to working with all parents and carers for the duration of your child’s education.
Yours Sincerely
Mr J Oxley