For many people, exam time is the most stressful part of the academic year. With so much riding on the outcome, there can be a high degree of pressure to perform well. Here are some exam preparation tips to help you excel in the academy.

The earlier you start, the more time you will have to prepare for the exam. You don’t have to wait until exam time approaches; try to set the stage from the beginning of the course by reviewing the material after each class. By starting early and studying on a regular basis, you will have a better opportunity to absorb the information and life will be a lot easier when it’s time to put it all together for the exam.


TOP  Exam-Preparation Tips

  1. Do All the Coursework – Ensure that before you start really studying for your exams
    that you have all the readings, practice problems, and homework assignments
  2. Create Mnemonics – Mnemonics are devices that can help you memorize formulas,
    key concepts, definitions, etc. A really basic example of a mnemonic is
    “B.E.D.M.A.S.” which stands for “Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication,
    Addition, and Subtraction”.
  3. Make Study Guides for Each Exam – Know what class content will be covered on
    the exam and then go through the textbook, your class notes, and any other material
    and write down any information that you think may be on the exam (including:
    important concepts, definitions, and formulas). Reading and writing all of this
    information will help you memorize it faster.
  4. Make Flash Cards – Making flash cards can be time consuming, but they are helpful
    tools in remembering vocabulary, formulas, and key concepts. They are also easy to
    carry around with you so you can review them anytime.
  5. Quiz Yourself – To ensure that you are prepared for your exam, make a mock exam to
    test how well you know the material. Write down a list of keywords or questions and
    make sure to leave room underneath each one. Then, pretend that you’re taking the
    exam and write down as much as you can.
  6. Get Enough Sleep – Students who get a full night of sleep are more alert,
    more focused and learn things easier than those who are sleep deprived. Especially
    during the weeks preceding exams keep your sleep schedule as consistent as
  7. Set Exam Preparation Goals – Setting goals for yourself will help make sure that
    you stay on track with your exam preparations (especially when you have more than
    1 exam to study for). Be sure to print out your schedule for the weeks preceding
    your exams and plan out when you are going to study! You’re more likely to be
    productive if you have goals to achieve.
  8. Remember to Take Breaks – Studying for exams can be hard. You need to take
    short breaks to allow your brain to process and retain the information. Be sure to
    take short breaks, otherwise, it may be hard to go back to studying. When you begin
    studying again, review the material you have already studied, then, move on to
    something new.
  9. Don’t Just Study Alone – Studying with other people can be a great way to enhance
    what you learn while studying on your own.
  1. Use of Word Processors There are a very small number of students who use word processors in examinations.  At Mildenhall College Academy the criteria for qualifications to consider the use of word processors is listed below.  The allocation is done in consultation with the SEN team, Exams Officer and Vice Principal (Curriculum and Attainment).  Where there is a need then this is checked against the latest guidance on access arrangements from JCQ or other appropriate bodies. Process for use of word processor:
  • A need has been identified in the curriculum for a student to use IT to support their learning.
  • This need has been assessed by the SEN team and a decision to use IT for word processing has been discussed with the Vice Principal.
  • An agreement has been made with parents and teachers for this to be done in some or all of the students’ lessons.
  • The use of IT including word processing is evaluated after a suitable period of time (usually half a term) to ensure that the intervention is having impact and addressing the need.
  • The use of IT including word processing then becomes the normal working practice for that student in some or all of their subjects.
  • Word processing will then be allowed for all internal exams for example end of year exams and mock exams.
  1. No student is allocated a word processor for exams who has not been through this process thereby ensuring fair access is enabled but not misused.

Year 7-10 Exams

Students will be prepared for all exams very thoroughly.  The exams will help us make decisions about the curriculum offer for each pupil next year including setting and potentially options.

In Key Stage 3 we help prepare the students for public exams by giving them the opportunity to sit exams in the same way that GCSEs are conducted.  This helps students manage the stress better when they are older.  Key Stage 3 students also have GL Assessments.  These tests are computer based and are benchmarked against pupils nationwide.  This enables us to see how much progress each pupil is making in comparison to their peers across the country.

In Key Stage 4 we prepare the students for public exams by giving them exams in Maths, English and Science.  All other subjects will be assessed during lesson time in exam conditions.

Advice for Year 11 Exams:

Please arrive at least ten minutes before the start of the exam.

If you are going to be late, please inform the exams officer and report to reception on arrival at the Academy.

If you are unable to attend the exam, please inform the exams officer and provide the VALID reason in writing and signed by parent/carer, within three days otherwise you will be charged for the exam.

Ensure that you have ALL the necessary equipment for your exam.  You MUST write in black pen.  Check that your calculator works  and remember equipment such as pencils (for diagrams/graphs), protractors, set squares, compasses and rulers.

Use of Word Processors

There are a very small number of students who use word processors in examinations.  At Mildenhall College Academy the criteria for qualifications to consider the use of word processors is listed below.  The allocation is done in consultation with the SEN team, Exams Officer and Vice Principal (Curriculum and Attainment).  Where there is a need then this is checked against the latest guidance on access arrangements from JCQ or other appropriate bodies.

Process for use of word processor:

  • A need has been identified in the curriculum for a student to use IT to support their learning.
  • This need has been assessed by the SEN team and a decision to use IT for word processing has been discussed with the Vice Principal.
  • An agreement has been made with parents and teachers for this to be done in some or all of the students’ lessons.
  • The use of IT including word processing is evaluated after a suitable period of time (usually half a term) to ensure that the intervention is having impact and addressing the need.
  • The use of IT including word processing then becomes the normal working practice for that student in some or all of their subjects.
  • Word processing will then be allowed for all internal exams for example end of year exams and mock exams.

No student is allocated a word processor for exams who has not been through this process thereby ensuring fair access is enabled but not misused.