The Suffolk Wellbeing Service provides support for young people and adults with a range of common mental health and emotional issues. Please visit their website where you can find links to webinars and other resources on key topics:

Examples of support, include useful one-hour free webinars for: the parent on supporting an anxious child: Parenting the Anxious Child

For young people on dealing with feeling anxious, or successful study: Dealing With Feeling Anxious

Low Mood Podcast 

Reported rates of low mood amongst young people have increased significantly in recent times and many young people report feeling unmotivated, sad and less optimistic about the future. This podcast is aimed at 15+ to 25 year olds and those who might want to support them. It explores how low mood might be impacting on young people as the pandemic continues. We have an 18-year old guest on the podcast who reflects on the challenges she has been experiencing. The team and her reflect on the ways in which young people have coped with the first lockdown and what they may have learned from this. After listening to the podcast you should have a sense of the helpful habits you can get into, to promote positive emotions, combat low mood and build meaningful activities into your life. Including these top tips: –

  • Plan small achievable goals that provide a sense of enjoyment, achievement and purpose
  • Recognise and acknowledge your successes and achievements, however small they seem
  • Practice gratitude each day, taking time to appreciate all that you have in your life
  • Combine activities in order to achieve more than one goal e.g. social connection with exercise or social connection with baking or gaming)
  • Introduce flexibility and adaptability when it comes to planning your goals. This is a great skill for life and it helps us to build stronger mental health and resilience.

Creative Education

Mildenhall College Academy has the opportunity to offer access to their Creative Education Community Membership. Your membership gives you access to over 100 courses which will help you as a Parent or Carer. Examples of courses available are:  Supporting your teen, improving children’s sleep with these top tips, supporting your worried child and many more.

Each course is made up of a series of bite-sized videos. You can watch them all in one go, or spread them out, whatever suits you best. For every completed course you can download a certificate to mark your progress.

If you would like to access any of the courses available please contact us so we can arrange your membership for an agreed period of time.