Subject Intent:
- To impart knowledge, skills and scientific awareness that allows students to develop a deeper understanding of the natural and physical world and the wider universe.
- To raise interest and inspire curiosity of their surroundings for improvement of the world around them with life-long learning.
- To inform problem solving and decision making in many areas of life. Many of the major challenges and opportunities that confront our world need to be approached from a scientific perspective, with social and ethical considerations.
- Year 7 Science Overview
- Year 8 Science Overview
- Year 9 Biology Overview
- Year 9 Chemistry Overview
- Year 9 Physics Overview
- Year 10 Biology Overview
- Year 10 Chemistry Overview
- Year 10 Physics Overview
- Year 11 Biology Overview
- Year 11 Chemistry Overview
- Year 11 Physics Overview
- Year 12 Biology
- Year 12 Chemistry
- Year 12 Physics
- Year 12 Applied Science
- Year 13 Biology
- Year 13 Chemistry
- Year 13 Physics
- Year 13 Applied Science
GCSE Examination Board: AQA
You will follow one of the two available pathways:
Separate Sciences (formerly known as ‘Triple Science’): 100% Examination
GCSE Biology
Paper 1: Modules 1-4. 1 ¾ hours
Paper 2: Modules 5-7. 1 ¾ hours
GCSE Chemistry
Paper 1: Modules 1-5. 1 ¾ hours
Paper 2: Modules 6-10. 1 ¾ hours
GCSE Physics
Paper 1: Modules 1-4. 1 ¾ hours
Paper 2: Modules 5-8. 1 ¾ hours
Trilogy Science (formerly known as ‘Double Science’): 100% Examination
Paper 1: Modules 1-4. 1 ¼ hours
Paper 2: Modules 5-7. 1 ¼ hours
Paper 1: Modules 1-5. 1 ¼ hours
Paper 2: Modules 6-10. 1 ¼ hours
GCSE Physics
Paper 1: Modules 1-4. 1 ¼ hours
Paper 2: Modules 5-7. 1 ¼ hours
Btec Extended Certificate in Applied Science
Board: Pearson
Unit 1 – Principles and Applications of Science – External examination – 25%
Unit 2 – Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques – Internal assessment (coursework) – 25%
Unit 3 – Science Investigation Skills – External assessment 33%
Optional unit – Internal assessment (coursework) – 17%
A Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Board: AQA
No coursework. 100% examination at the end of Year 13.
Paper 1 – 35%
Paper 2 – 35%
Paper 3 – 30%
12 Required practicals’ through which Centre-Assessed Practical Endorsement (CPAC) can be achieved.
Where Science can take you:
If the media has taught us anything, it’s that all scientists are crazy! They permanently wear lab coats, have outrageously dishevelled hair and are rather partial to holding a test tube or two. Their jobs involve doing bizarre experiments, like cloning sheep, creating monsters with human emotions, or sending objects into space.
Not all careers in science are actually like this. Not all scientific careers involve working in silence in laboratories, whilst you inject things into petri dishes, peer through microscopes and check the acidity of various liquids. Careers in science are genuinely some of the most exciting, interesting and significant out there.
The phrase “the sky’s the limit” doesn’t even apply to careers in science. Much like the universe, careers in scientific research and development are literally limitless; new things can always be discovered and things can always be improved.
Jobs in this sector stretch across so many different fascinating areas. The A-Z of science is astrophysics to zoological sciences and all that is in between! Here are just a few:
Biomedical Scientist, Cardiographer, Children’s Nurse , Dental Hygienist, Dental Nurse, Midwife, Medical Physicist, Nurse, Physiotherapist, Radiographer, Paramedic, Forensic Scientist, Police Technical Scientist, Forensic psychologist, Criminology, Pathology Mechanical Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Design Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Robotics, Teaching, Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Medicine, Zoologist, Marine Biologist, Geneticist, Veterinary surgeon or nurse, Pharmacist, Biochemist, Dietician, Psychologist, Environmental health, Science journalist, pathologist, Clinical scientist, archaeologist and Neuroscientist.