Subject Intent:
To impart knowledge and health awareness that allows students to develop a deeper understanding of food and nutrition.
- To develop a range of skills that are necessary to prepare, cook and present food.
- To foster a love for cooking combined with respect for cultural, ethical and religious differences expressed in food preparation and cooking.
- Year 7 Catering Overview
- Year 8 Catering Overview
- Year 9 Catering Overview
- Year 10 Overview
- Year 11 Overview
- Year 12 Overview
- Year 13 Overview
GCSE Examination Board: WJEC
GCSE Assessment Method:
NEA 1 (food experiment and coursework) 15%
NEA 2 (practical exam and coursework) 35%
Examination paper 50%
Level 3 Examination Board
Assessment Method

Unit 1 includes coursework and a practical exam
Examination paper 2.5 hours
Where Food Science can take you:
Learning about food, the chemistry behind successful dishes and health issues relating to food will help you to make informed and better choices with regards to the foods you consume. It will help you to understand the food choices other people make due to history, religion or ethical reasons and you will be able to make a valuable difference to our multicultural society. Food science is not just about making food (even though that is certainly a part of it) but will also engage you in thinking about solutions to the increasing world food shortage. You might aim to work in careers such as sports nutrition and coaching or as a food scientist and maybe even become involved in decision making and local politics.