Social Sciences Curriculum Intent:
- To impart knowledge and cultural awareness that allows students to develop a deeper understanding of the world we live in.
- To develop a range of skills that are necessary in everyday contexts.
- To raise interest, engagement and aspiration within the Social Science department; leading to students being motivated to succeed in Sociology, Psychology & Criminology.
- The ability to absorb large quantities of information (such as different sociological concepts and studies).
- To analyse and evaluate information from a variety of information formats.
- To interpret crime scene scenarios and form judgements.
- To make judgements leading to well supported and consistent arguments and conclusions.
Studying criminology will not only teach students content and subject knowledge but equip them with various transferable skills desirable in a range of careers.
- Moral Panics
- Documentaries: Channel 4 documentaries – ‘Killer behind Bars’, Folk Devils & Moral Panics’ – BY Stan Cohen
- Criminology 2ndEdition – by Tim Newburn
- Criminology 4thEdition – by Stephen Jones
- Media and Crime: Key Approaches to Criminology – by Yvonne Jewkes
A Level Examination Board: EDUQAS Level 3 Criminology
A Level Assessment Method:
2 external exams and 2 internally conducted but externally moderated controlled assessments:
Year 12
Unit 1: Changing Awareness of Crime (Controlled Assessment)
Unit 2: Criminological Theories (External Exam)
Year 13
Unit 3: Crime Scene to Courtroom Controlled Assessment)
Unit 4: Crime and Punishment (External Exam)
Where Criminology can take you:
Tough Nickel reports that careers relating to Criminology have been on the increase and are set to continue.
Criminology students often follow careers in: Law, Criminal Justice System, Police Service, Prison Service Management, Probation Service, Sociology & Psychology.